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Crumble to dust in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-08-01Updated:2024-08-01
Similar words: crumblecrumblyrumblegrumbletumble tocrumbcrumbscrumby
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1) I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
2) When donned, it crumbles to dust, but it confers the skills Charm, Mime, Mimic and Seduction.permanently.
3) The stone benches with carved angels' heads were crumbling to dust.
4) What if our dreams become nightmare, our plans crumble to dust?
5) One morning when Small Star went to water his ponies, the dun-colored pony had dried up and crumbled to dust.
6) One by one,[ to dust.html] she felt her certainties crumble to dust.
7) Even these hard parts may crumble to dust.
8) To crumble to dust; disintegrate.
9) Or will we crumble to dust, and, forgotten, become one with the desert?
10) Your best laid strategies can (and will) crumble to dust.The trick is to not let that discourage you or impede your progress.
11) Though empires crumble to dust, and centuries are lost in shadows, the white marble still sighs to the stars, "I remember."
12) We keep it in a climate-controlled case and we hardly ever move it, because with any sudden shock it could just crumble to dust.
13) I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian , and watched it crumble to dust.
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